超越您的 WhatsApp 商業應用限制,探索 iMBrace 的可能性。 我们自动化、广播、整合并推广您的业务。

為什麼選擇與iMBrace合作使用WhatsApp Business?

iMBrace的WhatsApp整合提供了彈性與效率,具備自定義的快速回覆和按鈕功能,讓客戶的互動更加個性化。 透過一鍵訂閱按鈕,企業可以輕鬆與全球客戶互動。 告別手動處理,擁抱iMBrace提供的自動化WhatsApp訊息的力量。
將您的WhatsApp Business API連接到其他應用程式。 例如Facebook Messenger、Google Calendar、Google Drive、Salesforce、HubSpot等等。 在不同的應用程序和數據庫之間移動和轉換數據。而無需陷入API 文檔和對CORS錯誤進行故障排除。

利用iMBrace的任務分配功能,高效地將任務分配給合適的團隊成員。 確保最合適的代理人能夠高效和及時地處理客戶。 iMBrace使企業能夠提升響應時間,培養關係,並充分利用每一個銷售機會。

透過iMBrace全面的解決方案,企業在市場營銷、銷售和客戶服務方面取得優異表現。 發掘您的企業和客戶關係的真正潛力。 推動您的企業實現可持續的增長和成功。

"iMBrace has been a game-changer for our team. I highly recommend it to any company. It just works!"
Steven Lam
CEO of GoGoX

"iMBrace has improved our team's efficiency and customer significantly. We highly recommend it to any team looking for a powerful yet user-friendly collaboration and automation tool."
Joe Veni
Director of Patrick Henry Group

"Customer's request can now be resolved easily with the process workflows as iMBrace's native connection to so many platforms and channels. It's just an amazing solution."
Dennis Wong
CEO of Master Concept

"iMBrace automates my business reducing cost while allowing me to know my customers. it's revolutionizing automation and chat platforms by a long shot."
Peter Georges
Managing Partner Rhodes Restaurant group

"iMBrace transformed my business into a customer-centric, omni-channel, people-focused organization that delivers high-performance results. Highly recommended!"
Aaron Lee
Group CEO of Jardine Restaurant Group